Code of Practice on
Procurement of Supplies, Goods and Services

A tender shall be in writing and be sealed and deposited in a strong double locked box marked “Tender-Box (投標箱)” provided for that purpose only and such box shall be securely located in a prominent place in the building. The two keys of the tender-box are to be separately kept by the chairman, secretary or treasurer.
Where it is impracticable or difficult to comply with the requirement under paragraph 5.1 above, the OC may, by a resolution passed at a general meeting of the OC, accept tenders handed in or sent by post to the registered office of the OC or to a specific venue as resolved at a general meeting. The tenders shall be properly acknowledged and kept safely.
All tenders shall be opened at the same time in the presence of at least three members of the MC who shall countersign and date each of the tenders.
Notwithstanding the requirements set out in this section, where any procurement of supplies, goods and services by an OC is conducted under any Rehabilitation Schemes operated by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA)1 the OC should comply with all relevant rules, guidelines and/or requirements relating to the conduct of the tender exercise adopted in such service/scheme instead.
1 The Rehabilitation Schemes operated by the URA may be referred to via the following link: