Building Management Courses
(6 and 27 March 2014)

In order to enhance the understanding of District Council (DC) Members and assistants of DC Members of the Building Management Ordinance (Cap. 344), prevention of corruption in building maintenance and how to handle building management disputes through mediation, the Home Affairs Department (HAD) held two Building Management Courses on 6 and 27 March 2014 on Building Management Ordinance and Preventive Measures Against Corruption in Building Maintenance and Building Management Disputes and Mediation Services respectively. A lawyer, representatives from the Independent Commission Against Corruption, Department of Justice and Accredited Mediators of the Hong Kong Mediation Centre were invited to deliver talks on the above courses.

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Mr Edwin FONG introduced the Building Management Ordinance and the building maintenance

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Mr C. K. CHEUNG, Chief Corruption Prevention Officer of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, gave a talk on building maintenance and measures to prevent corruption

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Ms Jenny FUNG, Senior Assistant Law Officer (Mediation) of Department of Justice, gave an outline of mediation service and how mediation helped resolve disputes

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Ms Hesta HO and Mr Ray MA, accredited mediators of the Hong Kong Mediation Centre, introduced the application of mediation in building management and shared experience of resolving building management disputes through mediation